Statements content block

Here are various statements on specific aspects of free speech requirements. For all English, Welsh and Scottish HEPs: The Equality Act and the Forstater Case: Protected Viewpoints Employers liable for harassment by their employees: the Fahmy case For English HEPs: Statement of the new legal requirements for protecting free speech for English HEPs Statement for […]

University statements follow-on

BFSP will seek to actively engage with the Office for Students, and its Director of Free Speech and Academic Freedom, about standards and requirements which are needed practice for securing free speech. This project has the input and support of groups which are interested in free speech. Any number of organisations can refer to our […]

Copyright & permissions

All the documents on this website (Relevant Documents) are © DAFSC Ltd, which owns the assets of BFSP. However, they are intended to help the understanding and promulgation of the law and consequent requirements in practice in relation to free speech in various contexts, so are available for use and copying by any person on […]

Universities requirements – BFSP statements

Here are various statements on specific aspects of free speech requirements. For all English, Welsh and Scottish HEPs: Standards for staff and student behaviour “Decolonising the curriculum”: potential free speech problems For English HEPs: Statement of the new legal requirements for protecting free speech for English HEPs Statement for students’ unions of the new legal […]

Universities introduction

Free speech, academic freedom, and diversity of viewpoint are vital to a free and tolerant society. They are under serious threat at our universities and other Higher Education Providers (together, “HEPs”), which is an evolving disaster for academics and students – and for our society. It is, though, clear that the extent and onerous nature […]

Areas of Focus

Our first project relates to English universities and other higher education providers. We intend to produce similar statements for Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish institutions in due course. Future projects may include:

About BFSP

Best Free Speech Practice (“BFSP”) is owned and overseen by DAFSC Ltd (registered in England, no. 14189200), a not-for-profit company dedicated to campaigning for free speech at UK universities and more widely. Registered office: 27 Old Gloucester St, London W1N 3AX. DAFSC has a group of free-speech-loving shareholders. BFSP’s aims and work are described on this […]

Privacy, data use, cookies and other terms.

Privacy and data 1. Definitions and credit1.1 In these provisions: “we”, “us” and “our”  refers to DAFSC Ltd as owner and manager of the Best Free Speech Practice (“BFSP”) project and website (and related databases and email and newsletter functions) (“this website”) and campaign (for more information about us, see Section 14 and elsewhere in […]

Home blurb

Free speech, academic freedom and diversity of viewpoint need defending. The BFSP project will work to clarify and promote what the legal requirements and wider best practice are in various areas for doing this, starting with universities. There is, however, little clarity about what best practice for the promotion and securing of free speech looks […]